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ASF+SDF'97 -- call for papers

                    C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

             The 2nd International Workshop on the Theory
               and Practice of Algebraic Specifications
                   CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
                      September 25 and 26, 1997
                             Organised By
                    University of Amsterdam (UvA)
              Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)
 ASF+SDF'97 will be a forum for the presentation of research papers on
 the theory, design,  implementation,  and  application  of  algebraic
 specifications in general and the ASF+SDF  formalism  in  particular.  
 Results in one of the areas of interest (see below) as well as direct 
 applications of ASF+SDF are solicited. Research  papers  as  well  as 
 case studies will be welcome. We encourage research talks accompanied 
 by a system demonstration.
                      AREAS OF INTEREST INCLUDE
                       (but are not limited to)
* Algebraic Specification      * Industrial Applications
* Term Rewriting               * Practical experience and case studies
* Type Systems                 * Tool Coordination
* Syntactic Analysis           * Program Understanding
* Programming Environments     * Language Prototyping
                          PROGRAM COMMITTEE

               Christine Choppy (IRIN, Universite de Nantes)
               Jan Heering (CWI) 
               Alex Sellink (UvA, chair)
               Sebastiano Vigna (University of Milan)
               David Watt (University of Glasgow)

                          INVITED SPEAKERS

               Claude Kirchner (INRIA Lorraine, CRIN)
               Peter Mosses (BRICS, University of Aarhus)
                         ORGANISING COMMITTEE
    Arie van Deursen (CWI), Alex Sellink (UvA), Eelco Visser (UvA)

                          PAPER SUBMISSION
 Full papers limited to 15 pages should be sent so as to arrive by May 
 15, 1997. Electronic submission of papers in  PostScript  formats  is 
 recommended. Use e-mail to alex@wins.uva.nl.  Should  electronic sub-
 mission be inconvenient, please send 5 hard copies to  the  following
     M.P.A. Sellink
     WINS, Programming Research Group
     University of Amsterdam,
     Kruislaan 403
     1098 SJ AMSTERDAM
     The Netherlands.


 At the workshop, proceedings in the form of a technical  report  will
 be available. We are negotiating with publishers for  publication  of
 the proceedings afterwards.

                         FURTHER INFORMATION
          Phone   :  +31 (0)20 525.7583
          e-mail  :  alex@wins.uva.nl
          Internet:  http://adam.wins.uva.nl/~gipe/asf+sdf97/

                           IMPORTANT DATES  

          Papers Due		    :  May 15, 1997 
          Notification of Acceptance:  July 1, 1997
          Camera Ready Papers       :  September 1, 1997