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CASL - Tentative Design - Language Summary

Dear Peter and members of the CoFI-initiative,

I was very pleased to see the official summary of CASL as announced by
Peter Mosses end of last year.
Concerning our group in Berlin, Uwe Wolter is very interested to join the
group on semantics and will give comments to this document within the next

[That is good news, as there is plenty of work to do, and all the task
groups welcome new active participants!  Support and contributions
from all the major algebraic specification groups are extremely
desirable, for CoFI to achieve its goals.  Concerning Semantics,
details can be found in the recent cofi-semantics messages, accessible
via the mailing list archives on WWW. --PDM]

I am looking forward to see the firm CASL Design Proposal in March 1997.

[Me too... but don't be too surprised if it ends up being delayed to
April. --PDM]

With best wishes

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 Helga Barnewitz                               E-Mail:bwitz@cs.tu-berlin.de
 Technische Universitaet Berlin
 FB 13 (Informatik),                           (secr.Prof.H.Ehrig)
 Institut fuer Kommunikations-
 und Softwaretechnik, Sekr. FR 6-1             Tel: ++49-30-314-73510
 Franklinstrasse 28/29                         Fax: ++49-30-314-23516
 D-10587 Berlin
 F.R. Germany
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