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Re: Total and partial functions

Dear Maura,

> If we are going to allow a non-empty intersection between the sets of
> total
> and partial function with the same index (at the institution level),
> then we
> should find another reference (in the chapter by Horst, Till and me in
> the
> Ifip book the theory is developed under that assumption) or re-develop
> the
> theory in this more liberal setting. The latter could be done easily (by
> somebody else, I definitely wont do it), but it would be boring
> (annoying,
> too, from my point of view) and sincerely at that point I don't see a
> reason
> to distinguish between partial and total symbols at the signature level
> at
> all. Thus *if* we (that is, you or they) are going to modify the
> institution,
> it would probably better to have just one (indexed) set of function
> symbols
> and interpret a total declaration as a partial one plus the appropriate
> assertion of definedness (that, being atomic should be available in all
> possible restrictions).
> I'm against changing the institution at this late phase, unless it
> proves
> strictly necessary.

The changes to the institution would be
1. allow the sets TF_{w,s} and PF_{w,s} to have non-empty intersection
   (i.e. a function can be both total and partial for the same
2. Replace the indexing of function symbols in fully-qualified terms:
   Instead of f_{w,s}, write f_{w->s} or f_{w->?s}

These changes are a bit tedious but easy (I volunteer for doing them,
both in the semantics and in our book chapter).

One reason for the change is the greater uniformity with the
case, where we have to index the symbols with their higher-order
type anyway (i.e. we write f_{w->s} or f_{w->?s}), and where it
would be difficult to motivate the restriction that we have currently
for the first-order case. Moreover, indexing function symbols with
their full type (w->s or w->?s) is also more uniform with the abstract
syntax (which indeed was also chosen this way in order to be
compatible woth HO extensions):

  OP-ITEM         ::= OP-NAME ,..., OP-NAME : OP-TYPE

  OP-TYPE         ::= SOME-SORTS  -> SORT  |  SORT                      
                    | SOME-SORTS  ->? SORT  |  ? SORT              
The other reason is union, see below.

> Otherwise, the change is only at the language level, that is if a symbol
> is
> declared with the same profile as both total and partial, then only its
> total
> version appears in the signature, so that, btw, there is no problem with
> ambiguity in term formation.

I do not like this possibility, because it would complicate the
semantics of unions (a union of a signature containing a total
profile and a signature containing the same profile as partial
would contain just the total profile. So we do not have a set-theoretic
union of the underlying symbols. 

> A different issue is what happens at the level of structured
> specifications.
> Indeed, my methodological objections do not apply to the case of
> (possibly
> independently developed) subspecifications of a specification term.
> For instance, the case of union sounds quite reasonable to me (though
> not
> exactly a "must" imho).
> Thus I suggest that *if* there is a consensus about allowing the
> "overloading"
> of total and partial functions with the same profile, then we limit it
> to the
> case of structured specs. 

Indeed, the case of unions is the most convincing argument for
the change: if we unite a signature containing a total
profile and a signature containing the same profile as partial,
it is a bit strange that the union is undefined (and, btw, this
is the only case where unions can be undefined).

I would not limit the change to the case of structured specs,
since this would be too complicated. After all, the change
I propose does not complicate anything. It is just a bit tedious
to change the documents.
