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[CoFI] Revised proposal for named morphisms in CASL (250 lines)

Dear all,

The following is a, necessarly biased, view :-) on the results of the
discussions about named morphisms for CASL by Peter, Didier, Till,
Don, Bernd, Andrzej and me. Note that it does not cover architectural

[Many thanks to Hubert for providing this summary of the recent
 intensive discussions!  Although the deadline for comments on the
 initial proposal (23 January) has now passed, this part of the CASL
 design is still rather new, and the impact on the rest of the language
 is limited, so comments and objections to this revised proposal are
 welcome - as are suggestions for concrete syntax for views.  Please
 send these to cofi-language@brics.dk as soon as possible, and in any
 case before


 Comments based on experience of using named morphisms/views in
 other languages (OBJ3, LPG, SPECWARE) are particularly welcome!


   VIEW-DEFN        ::=  view-defn VIEW-NAME VIEW-SPEC
   VIEW-SPEC        ::=  view-spec SPEC-NAME SPEC-NAME SYMB-MAP*
   VIEW             ::=  VIEW-NAME
   VIEW-NAME        ::=  SIMPLE-ID

A view (VIEW) is a specification morphism from a named 
specification (the source) to another named specification (the 
target), given by SYMB-MAP*, together with the name of the source 
and the name of the target. It is required that the reduct by the 
specification morphism of each model of the target is a model of 
the source.

1.1. Using views as fitting arguments

   FITTING-ARG      ::=  fitting-arg SPEC SYMB-MAP*
                       | fitting-view VIEW

A view defines a fitting morphism and an actual parameter when 
used to instantiate a formal parameter of a generic 
specification. The FITTING-ARG is well-formed if the name of the 
corresponding formal parameter is the same name as the source of 
the view. The actual parameter specification is the target of the 

Note that checking if a view can be used as a fitting morphism 
only depends on the names of the involved specificatons and thus 
no semantic check is need to ensure the applicability of a view. 

If the generic specification has an import declaration then the 
fitting morphism is the union of the specification morphism given 
by view and the identity on the import. The actual parameter is 
the union of the target of the view and the import. 

It would be possible to explicitly state the actual parameter of 
the FITTING-ARG, as for example with (fitting-view view 
SPEC-NAME). However this is redundant, because the actual 
parameter is uniquely determined by the target of the view. 

Having the semantics of views being specification morphisms 
ensures that if an instantiation of a generic specification using 
views is well-formed then the semantics is defined. Thus the 
semantics need not check that the models of the actual parameter 
are models of the formal parameter.

1.2. Implicit application of views

   FITTING-ARG      ::=  ... | fitting-spec SPEC-NAME

If the actual parameter and also the formal parameter are named 
specifications and there exists a unique view definition in the 
global environment with source name the same as the formal 
parameter name and target name the same as the actual parameter 
name then the fitting morphism is given as the specification 
morphism of that view.

2. Generic Views

   GEN-VIEW-DEFN    ::=  gen-view-defn GEN-VIEW-NAME GEN-VIEW
   GEN-VIEW         ::=  gen-view SPEC-NAME GEN-SPEC-NAME SYMB-MAP*

The generic view (GEN-VIEW) is a specification morphism from a 
named specification to the body of a named generic specification 
defined by SYMB-MAP* together with the names of the source 
specification and target generic specification.

2.1. Instantiation of generic views

   VIEW             ::=  ... | GEN-VIEW-INST
   GEN-VIEW-INST    ::=  gen-view-inst GEN-VIEW-NAME FITTING-ARG+

The instantiation of a generic view yields a view whose source is 
the source of the generic view and whose target is the result of 
the instantiation of the target of the generic view wrt. the 
fitting morphisms defined by FITTING-ARG+. The specification 
morphism is the composition of the specification morphism of the 
generic view with the morphism from the body of a generic 
specification to the result of its instantiation induced by the 
fitting morphisms.

2.2. Using instantiated generic views as fitting arguments

Note that the source name of the instantiation of a generic view 
is given by the source name of the generic view. Therefore we can 
use the instantiation of a generic view as a fitting argument. 
However, the instantiation has no target name associated with it, 
because the target of the instantiation is the instantiation of a 
generic specification. 
Thus the instantiation cannot take part in the search for an 
implicit view as described above, even if we could name the 
instantiation of a generic view, which, in this proposal, we 

A proposal by Didier allows both, the source and the target of a 
generic view, to be generic specifications. However, in this case 
the source of an instantiated generic view would be an 
instantiated generic specification and thus the applicability of 
a view as a fitting morphism could not rely on the names of 
specifications only.

2.3. Implicit application of generic views

If the actual parameter in the instantiation of a generic 
specification is again the instantiation of a generic 
specification and there exists a unique generic view from the 
name of the formal parameter to the name of the generic 
specification used in the actual parameter then the fitting 
morphism is given by the instantiation of the generic view with 
the same fitting morphism which was used in the instantiation of 
the actual parameter. 

If the semantics of SPEC is changed to include the way 
specifications are built from named specifications and 
instantiation of generic specifications we could use the abstract 

   FITTING-ARG ::= fitting-arg SPEC SYMB-MAP*

and could check for the possibility of an implicit application of 
views and generic views if SYMB-MAP* is empty.

However, without changing the current semantics of SPEC one can 

   FITTING-ARG      ::=  ... | fitting-gen-spec GEN-SPEC-NAME FITTING-ARG+

to achieve the same effect.

Consider Didier's example [without worrying about concrete syntax! --PDM]:

    spec EQ =
    BOOL then
        sort t
        ops  eq : t*t -> bool
    spec LIST [EQ] =
        sort list[t]
        ops  nil : list[t];
             __==__ : list[t]*list[t] -> bool;
    view Eq-List [EQ] =
        EQ --{ t |-> list[t], eq |-> __==__ }--> LIST [EQ]
    view Eq-Nat =
        EQ --{ t |-> nat, eq |-> __==__ }--> NAT
    spec MY_LISTS =
    LIST[LIST[NAT]]     %% or LIST[Eq-List[Eq-Nat]]
        ops ...

The abstract syntax for LIST[LIST[NAT]] is

   (gen-spec-inst LIST (fitting-gen-spec LIST (fitting-spec NAT)))

In the global environment there is just one view morphism from EQ 
to NAT and thus the fitting morphism determined by (fitting-spec 
NAT) is Eq-Nat. Also in the global environment there is just one 
generic view morphism from EQ to LIST, Eq-List[EQ]. Thus the 
fitting morphism from EQ to LIST[NAT] is given by the 
instantiation of Eq-List[EQ] with Eq-Nat.

3. Using views for purposes other than as fitting morphisms

Views for TRANSLATION and REDUCTION are useless since the result 
would be the target or the source of a view, which are named 
specifications and could be written directly instead of the 

4. Remarks

A problem with the implicit application of views and generic 
views is noted by Don:

   I am generally very wary of conventions whereby missing stuff is 
   automatically inferred on the grounds that only one thing of the 
   appropriate kind has been defined so far. The problem with this, 
   as I think I have discussed with Bernd back in the SPECTRAL days, 
   is that the well-formedness and/or meaning of phrases can change 
   when things that are not involved in any way in the phrase in 
   question are changed later. This is an undesirable property which 
   ML-style type inference does *not* possess. 

   For instance, suppose that we have ELEM-WITH-ORDER and a view of 
   NAT whereby order is mapped to <. Then SORT[NAT] will, under (c), 
   automatically refer to this view. But if we later decided that it 
   is useful to have another view as well in which order is mapped 
   to >, then SORT[NAT] becomes ill-formed. Of course sophisticated 
   tools can do lots of wonderful things including warning the user 
   when things like this happen and maybe helping him to fixing 
   them. I would rather have a sophisticated facility for filling in 
   things automatically when specs are input by adding things to 
   specs explicitly. Once they are explicit, the above problem 
   doesn't arise.

5. Abstract Syntax

The percent % below denotes the productions that would have to be
removed to eliminate implicit application of (generic) views,
cf. point 4 above.

   VIEW-DEFN        ::=  view-defn VIEW-NAME VIEW-SPEC
   VIEW-SPEC        ::=  view-spec SPEC-NAME SPEC-NAME SYMB-MAP*
   VIEW             ::=  VIEW-NAME
   VIEW-NAME        ::=  SIMPLE-ID

   FITTING-ARG      ::=  fitting-arg SPEC SYMB-MAP*
                      |  fitting-view VIEW
 % FITTING-ARG      ::=  ... | fitting-spec SPEC-NAME

   GEN-VIEW-DEFN    ::=  gen-view-defn GEN-VIEW-NAME GEN-VIEW
   GEN-VIEW         ::=  gen-view SPEC-NAME GEN-SPEC-NAME SYMB-MAP*

   VIEW             ::=  ... | GEN-VIEW-INST
   GEN-VIEW-INST    ::=  gen-view-inst GEN-VIEW-NAME FITTING-ARG+

 % FITTING-ARG      ::=  ...| fitting-gen-spec GEN-SPEC-NAME FITTING-ARG+

           Hubert Baumeister
           MPI Informatik, Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbr"ucken, Germany
    Phone: (x49-681)9325-220  Fax: -299
   e-mail: hubert@mpi-sb.mpg.de  
      WWW: http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~hubert/