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Christopher Alexander. A Timeless Way of Building. Oxford University Press, 1979.
Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy, and Frédéric Voisin. Interchange format for inter-operability of tools and translation. In Haveraaen et al. [HOD96], pages 102-124.
Michel Bidoit, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Pierre Lescanne, Fernando Orejas, and Don Sannella, editors. Algebraic System Specification and Software Development, volume 501 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Magne Haveraaen, Olaf Owe, and Ole-Johan Dahl, editors. Recent Trends in Data Type Specification, volume 1130 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Bernd Krieg-Brückner. Seven years of COMPASS. In Haveraaen et al. [HOD96], pages 1-13.
Bernd Krieg-Brückner. A proposal for a concrete syntax for CASL. Preliminary versions: directory; revised version: Postscript (to appear), May 1997.
CoFI Task Group on Language Design. CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language (Tentative Design) - Language Summary. CoFI Tentative Document: LanguageSummary. WWW, FTP, December 1996.
CoFI Task Group on Language Design. CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language - Design Proposal. CoFI Document: CASL/Proposal. WWW, FTP, May 1997.
CoFI Task Group on Language Design. CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language - Rationale. CoFI Document: CASL/Rationale. WWW, FTP, May 1997.
CoFI Task Group on Language Design. CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language - Summary. CoFI Document: CASL/Summary. WWW, FTP, May 1997.
Peter D. Mosses. CoFI: The common framework initiative for algebraic specification. Bulletin of the EATCS, June 1996.
Peter D. Mosses, editor. CoFI: Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification, URL:, 1997.
Peter D. Mosses. CoFI: The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification and Development. In TAPSOFT '97: Theory and Practice of Software Development, volume 1214 of LNCS, pages 115-137. Springer-Verlag, 1997. CoFI Tentative Document: Mosses97TAPSOFT. WWW, FTP.
CoFI Task Group on Semantics. CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language (Tentative Design) - Language Summary, with annotations concerning the semantics of constructs. CoFI Note: S-4. WWW, FTP, April 1997.
Frédéric Voisin, Michel Bidoit, and Christine Choppy. A concrete syntax for CASL. Preliminary version: Postscript; revised version: Postscript (to appear), May 1997.

CoFI Document: Rationale --Version 0.97-- 20 May 1997.
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