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1 Introduction
According to the aims and scope of the CoFI-Tools task group, the
intended tools can be divided in three categories:
- A minimal but widely available set of tools for CASL,
including syntax and static semantics checkers,
Emacs and LaTex modes, library support, graphical interface.
- Tools for protyping, testing, checking properties of programs,
verifying the correctness of a specification or of a refinement step.
Here the idea is rather to take advantage of and to reuse an abundance
of existing tools developed in the community. Many of them are
specialized, that is only applicable to a particular sub-language and
its associated logics, and this raises the practical problem of
defining interchange formats and means of exchanging libraries of
- Ultimately we want to achieve a coherent and efficient integration
of sub-languages and related tools. This raises the issue of
combining and embedding different logics.
Documentation tools and educational tools should be provided.
The main achievements of the Tools group have been to identify some
requirements on the concrete syntax, to clarify the different formats
needed for tools, and to make plans for tools.
These two last points are developed below.
Document: CASL/Tools ---- 20 May 1997.
Comments to cofi-tools@brics.dk