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Go up to 2.1.2 Operations Operation Definitions

      OP-DEFN         ::= op-defn OP-NAME OP-HEAD TERM
      TOTAL-OP-HEAD   ::= total-op-head ARG-DECL* SORT
      PARTIAL-OP-HEAD ::= partial-op-head ARG-DECL* SORT
      ARG-DECL        ::= arg-decl VAR+ SORT
      VAR             ::= SIMPLE-ID

A definition OP-DEFN of a total operation with some arguments is written:

f (V11, ..., V1m1:s1; ...; Vn1, ..., Vnmn:sn):s = T
When the list of arguments is empty, the definition is simply written:
f :s = T

A definition OP-DEFN of a partial operation with some arguments is written:

f (V11, ..., V1m1:s1; ...; Vn1, ..., Vnmn:sn):? s = T
When the list of arguments is empty, the definition is simply written:
f :? s = T

It declares the operation name f as a total, respectively partial operation, with a profile having argument sorts s1 (m1 times), ..., sn (mn times) and result sort s. It also asserts the strong equation:

f(V11, ..., Vnmn) = T
universally quantified over the declared argument variables [CHANGED:] (which must be distinct, and are the only ones allowed in T), [] or just `f = T' when the list of arguments is empty.

In each of the above cases, the operation name f may occur in the term T, and may have any interpretation satisfying the equation--not necessarily the least fixed point.

CoFI Document: CASL/Summary-v1.0 -- Version: 1.0 -- 22 October 1998.
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