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- (1)
- These marks are of course temporary, and to be removed
in the final version of this document.
- (2)
- In fact Sig is a category, and Sen(.)
and Mod(.) are functors. The categorial aspects of the semantics
of CASL are emphasized in its formal semantics [CoF97f].
- (3)
- The choice of a particular
proof system for CASL has been investigated, but not yet decided.
- (4)
- The translation of such constraints
along signature morphisms adds a further component, for technical
- (5)
- Mixfix notation is so-called because it generalizes
infix, prefix, and postfix notation to allow arbitrary mixing of
argument positions and identifier tokens.
- (6)
- The occasional reference to the subsort and overloading relations in
Part II may simply be ignored (or
replaced by the identity relation) when
the framework for basic specifications is restricted so as not to
include these features.
Document: CASL/Summary-v1.0 -- Version: 1.0 -- 22 October 1998.
Comments to cofi-language@brics.dk