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F Finalization
This appendix lists the remaining points that need settling before
the CASL design can be regarded as final, and version 1.0 of this
Summary produced:
- Views:
- The proposed abstract syntax, concrete syntax, and
semantics of views are all regarded as tentative, pending scrutiny of
the details and the appearance of examples of their use.
- Architectural specifications:
- The proposed concrete syntax of
architectural specifications is regarded as tentative, pending the
appearance of examples of their use.
- Specification libraries:
- The details of version control remain
to be decided.
- Semantics:
- It needs to be checked that the recent changes can
be given a sensible semantics. The formal semantic description
given for version 0.97 of CASL [Sem97c] needs updating.
- Parsing:
- The various parsers that have already been implemented
for basic and structured specifications need to be completed and
validated. The grouping analysis of mixfix terms and formulae (which
is dependent on the declared identifiers) needs to be implemented.
Until then, the details of the input syntax are regarded as subject to
minor changes.
- Formatting:
- The LaTeX and HTML display of CASL
specifications needs to be optimized, and released as a package.
Until then the details of the display format are regarded as subject
to minor changes.
- Annotations:
- The form of parsing annotations and their rôle
in parsing and formatting needs to be clarified. The set of semantic
annotations to be provided by CASL needs to be decided, together
with their syntax.
Document: CASL/Summary --Version 0.99-- 21 April 1998.
Comments to cofi-language@brics.dk