Go backward to B Abbreviated Abstract Syntax
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Go forward to D Display Format
C Concrete Syntax
This appendix supersedes the original documents presenting the CASL
concrete syntax design proposal [BCKB+98a].
The relationship between the concrete syntax and the corresponding
abstract syntax [LD98] is rather
straightforward--except that mapping the use of mixfix notation in a
concrete ATOM to an abstract ATOM depends on the
declared operation and predicate symbols (although not on their
profiles). Currently, the relationship is merely suggested by the use of
the same nonterminal symbols in the concrete and abstract grammars.
Examples of specifications illustrating the proposed concrete syntax
are given in Appendix E. Readers are encouraged to
test the proposal on their own specifications.
Some prototype parsers
for CASL have been implemented:
- Mark van den Brand and Bjarke Wedemeijer have developed a
from which the ASF+SDF system
can generate a (nondeterministic bottom-up) parser.
- Kolyang and Till Mossakowski have implemented a parser (and
well-formedness checker) using Isabelle.
- Christophe Tronche has developed a top-down, LL(2)
- Frédéric Voisin has developed a bottom-up, LALR(1) parser.
Document: CASL/Summary --Version 0.99-- 21 April 1998.
Comments to cofi-language@brics.dk