The full Bibliography of CoFI Publications is available in BibTeX format at cofi.bib and cofi.bib.gz, and as a formatted document in several styles:
The space required for references to CoFI publications can be reduced by about 50% by using the abbreviated bibliography, available in BibTeX format at cofi-abbr.bib and cofi-abbr.bib.gz.
Please start using the new CoFI bibliography as soon as possible!
Please submit missing abstracts, corrections and additions in the following format:
The present version of the annotated bibliography is to be included in the CASL Book, and the full bibliography (including the abstracts) is to be incorporated in The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.
See the files cofi.bib and cofi-abbr.bib for examples of the adopted format of BibTeX entries.
The following non-standard fields are used for URLs, annotations, and abstracts:
command. Citations of non-CoFI publications should give the essential bibliographic data as
plain text.
(since bibtex discards blank
Here is an example of an annotation, used for the TCS paper on CASL Astesiano:2002:CASL:
annote = "Gives an overview of the Casl design, indicating major issues, and explaining main concepts and constructs. Compares Casl to some other major algebraic specification languages.",It should generally be quite straightforward for the authors to obtain annotations by abbreviating the corresponding abstracts. Please avoid wasting space with phrases like "This paper...", and use the active (not passive) forms of verbs.
For most entries, the new CoFI bibliography uses a standard scheme for citation tags (following BibNet):
where Author is the last name of the first author, YEAR is the 4-digit publication year, and INI is the initial letters of the first 3 (significant) words in the title, treating hyphens as spaces. (Exceptions are made for the various parts of the CASL Book, and for the proceedings of conferences.)