#! This directory exists merely to be a pointer to the # current sources for HaXml. We need to make an additional target, # lnsrcs, called from ./configure, which creates symbolic links to the # srcs in the HaXml directory. PACKAGE = uni-HaXml PACKAGES = text data uni-util HAXML = @TOP@/HaXml-1.11/src # Disable DEBUG mode. This is because Malcolm Wallace uses the same # flag, and so if it's left it I get lots and lots of Malcolm's trace # messages, which I don't want. Also enable -cpp, which HaXml needs. EXTRA_HC_OPTIONS += -UDEBUG -cpp SRCS = $(HAXMLSRCS) XmlFix.hs XmlExtras.hs # Taken from the setting for LIBSRCS in $(HAXML)/../Makefile. HAXMLSRCS = \ Text/XML/HaXml.hs Text/XML/HaXml/Combinators.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Lex.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Parse.hs Text/XML/HaXml/Pretty.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Types.hs Text/XML/HaXml/Validate.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Wrappers.hs Text/XML/HaXml/OneOfN.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Verbatim.hs Text/XML/HaXml/Escape.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Xml2Haskell.hs Text/XML/HaXml/Haskell2Xml.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Html/Generate.hs Text/XML/HaXml/Html/Parse.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Html/Pretty.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Xtract/Combinators.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Xtract/Lex.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/Xtract/Parse.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/DtdToHaskell/TypeDef.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/DtdToHaskell/Convert.hs \ Text/XML/HaXml/DtdToHaskell/Instance.hs \ Text/ParserCombinators/HuttonMeijerWallace.hs \ # Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.hs # Commented out as it is now in GHC. include @TOP@/mk/boilerplate.mk lnsrcs : Makefile $(RM) -rf Text tools/MainDtdToHaskell.hs $(foreach file,$(HAXMLSRCS),\ $(MKDIR) -p `dirname $(file)` \ && $(LN) -s $(HAXML)/$(file) $(file) &&) \ $(LN) -sf $(HAXML)/tools/DtdToHaskell.hs tools/MainDtdToHaskell.hs && \ echo "Don't copy again" >lnsrcs