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Overview -> User Interface -> File Menu -> Print...

Print Dialog Window


This dialog window can be used to set options and target before printing the current graph in PostScript format. The graph can either be sent to a PostScript printer or saved in a file for import in another application. Informations about the daVinci PostScript interface are available in the reference chapter.

Initially, the options in this dialog are set such that the graph is sent to a printer, fits on the page according to the specified size and is centered on the page. Before printing, the user is able to modify these settings. Beside using the windows dialog items, this can also be done with direct manipulation of the "paper picture" in the lower part of the window:

The measure unit (either cm or inch) and the print command can be set using dialog Options/General Settings.... The print dialog window can also be used mouseless with keyboard operations.

Dialog Items of the Print Window

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998