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Overview -> Tutorial -> Managing Files and Basic Tasks

Section 1: Managing Files and Basic Tasks

This tutorial section covers the following exercises:

Loading a Graph from File

After starting daVinci without any options or arguments, an empty base window will appear (
click here to get an image and more informations about the base window). In the upper part of the window, you have pull down menus where you have access to all functions. The icons at the left side are buttons for direct access to frequently used menu operations. We will come to this later. One important component of the base window is the lower footer area where status messages are displayed. Keep your eye on this area to be informed about important system events, for example when you have to wait for an operation to be finished.

Now we will load a graph for visualization. Graphs are stored in files with a .daVinci suffix, containing a so called term representation. This format only defines the structure of a graph, but has no layout informations such as the coordinate of a particular node. The term representation format is discussed in detail in the reference chapter. To load a graph, you need the file browser for selecting a file name. You can get a browser by selecting menu File/Open... (i.e. move the mouse pointer to the File pull down menu and press the right mouse button which will show the File menu. Then move the mouse pointer to the Open... menu entry by still pressing the right mouse button and finally release the mouse button when you are over the Open... menu entry). This will pop up the file browser for opening a graph.

The file browser has two different lists: One for the directories inside the current directory and one for the files in the current directory. The current directory is always displayed in the Selection field of the file browser. Now you can browse through the directories of the file system of your computer by double-clicking the list elements of the Directories view with the left mouse button (the left mouse button is used to select or manipulate objects visible on the screen, whereby the right button is used to choose from a menu). A double-click on '..', the first element of the directory list, will move to the parent directory. When there is not enough place to show all directories or files, then you can use the vertical scrollbars at the right side of the lists to move the focus. Finally, go into the example_graphs/ directory of the daVinci distribution. Ask your administrator if you are not sure about the location of the daVinci distribution on your file system.

When you are inside the example_graphs/ directory, click on the Types option button to select the Graph Files filter. This will remove all files without suffix .daVinci from the files view. Now double-click on file graph_example.daVinci to load this graph in daVinci. This finishing action will automatically close the file browser.

Starting the Graph Layout Algorithm

After successfully loading the graph graph_example.daVinci from file, the visualization should immediately appear in the graph area of the base window. This graph is larger than the base window, so you can only see a portion of the whole graph visualization. Use the two scrollbars of the base window to move the focus to other areas of the graph. A more comfortable method to set the focus in a large graph visualization is 2D-scrolling. This operation is available inside the graph area of a base window if you press and hold down the middle mouse button while moving the mouse. Try this with the current graph and you will see how the system scrolls in both directions simultaneously by following the movements of the mouse.

As you can see on the screen, all graph nodes are automatically placed on horizontal levels such that all (directed) edges between two nodes are pointing downwards. This is called a hierarchical visualization of a directed graph. Other styles of graph layout are currently not supported by daVinci. Background information about graphs can be found in the concept document.

Except of assigning nodes to levels, the graph layout algorithm is not used directly after loading a graph, to display it as soon as possible. By looking at the graph visualization, you can see that the layout is not as good as it can be. For example, several edges cross eachother, which makes the layout confusing and somehow unattractive. You can see the total number of edge crossings of the current graph layout by opening a statistic window with menu View/Graph Info.... Improving the graph layout can be done by reordering the nodes at each level such that the number of edges is reduced. daVinci offers an automatic graph layout algorithm for this task. Start this algorithm by using menu Layout/Improve All. After doing so, you will notice a significantly improved layout. You can read more about graph layout in the concept document.

In daVinci, a graph is drawn top-down by default, so edges are usually pointing downwards. You can choose one of the other three layout orientations (upwards, to the left or to the right) with menu Layout/Orientation. For example, try to rotate the layout by selecting menu Layout/Orientation/Left to Right.

Saving the Status of a Graph

Assuming that you are a careful person, you might wish to store the current layout of the graph in a file. As stated above, a term representation file does not contain layout informations, so this way your modifications will be lost in a later session. To store a graph together with informations about the current layout (node coordinates etc), you can choose daVinci's alternative graph storage format, called status. A status also contains most of the user interface settings, so by loading a status file, a previous session can be restored very easily.

Again, you need a file browser to save the current layout to a status file. One way to do so is by selecting menu File/Save As.... But at this time, we will use the icon bar of the base window for more comfort. Move the mouse pointer to the save button which looks like this:


Button of the icon bar to save a graph

When the mouse pointer is over this button, a message is displayed in the footer area with a short explaination of the button's function. Now press the button to get the file browser for saving files. Pressing this button on the icon bar is the same as selecting menu File/Save As....

In the file browser, you have to choose the file type you want to save by using the Types option button: Either Status Files (default) or Graph Files. Saving the current graph in term representation format by using type Graph Files does not make sense at the moment, because the structure of the graph is still the same, which means that you would get the same file as loaded before. So use the default type Status Files such that the title of the browser window shows "Save As Status".

The browser usually suggests a name for the file you want to save. The filename of the graph (term representation) you have loaded before is graph_example.daVinci, so the suggested filename is graph_example.status. Status files should usually have suffix .status. Unfortunately, the suggested filename already exists (as you can see in the Files view of the browser) and you do not want to overwrite it. By the way, the browser will ask the user before overwriting files. So choose a new name for your file by editing the Selection field of the browser. Click in the field to get a text cursor and erase the filename (but not the directory) with the Backspace key. Then enter a new filename, e.g. my_graph.status, and press the Save push button to start the saving operation.

If you do not have write permissions for the example_graphs directory of the daVinci distribution, then saving will fail and a notice window will appear. In this case, open the browser again to repeat this operation, but at this time choose another directory where you have permissions to write, for example your home directory.

Printing a Graph Visualization

You can print a graph on a PostScript printer directly from daVinci to get the current layout on paper. For this operation the print dialog window is needed which will appear after selecting menu File/Print... (or by pressing the printer button of the icon bar).

But at this time, we will use the keyboard instead of the mouse for choosing this menu operation. Press the keys Alt and f simultaneously which is usually written as Alt+F. This will open the File menu. f is the underlined character (mnemonic) of the File menu, the keyboard equivalent for mouseless operation. After opening the menu with these two keys, you can navigate through all menus with the four cursor keys of the keyboard. By pressing Return, you select the currently highlighted menu entry. In an opened menu, you have another option to choose from a menu by pressing the mnemonic character (at this time without the Alt key!) of one of the menu entries. For example, when the File menu is open, you select Print... by pressing the p key. So the overall keyboard command to select this particular menu is Alt+F P (upper case letters are not significant here). You can read more about keyboard usage by following this reference.

After opening the print dialog window with one of the methods described above, you have the opportunity to set some options before the file will actually be printed. Lets asume you want to print the currently loaded graph on one of the PostScript printers in your network. First of all, you need to know the UNIX command used for printing PostScript files at your site. For example, if you usually use command

lp -d our_ps_printer my_file.ps to print file my_file.ps on printer our_ps_printer, you have to enter lp -d our_ps_printer in the Print Command field of the print dialog. Be sure that you have set the correct page size supported by your printer. If this is not the default format A4, then choose another setting with the Page Size option button and press the Fit to Page button afterwards to ensure that the graph will be completely visible and centered on the paper. Finally, you can send the graph in PostScript format to the printer by pressing the Print push button.

End of section 1
Go back to the Tutorial Overview

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998