cats(1) CoFI tools cats(1) NAME cats - Standalone CASL tool set with parsing, static anal­ ysis, and encoding. SYNOPSIS cats [ options ] file cats -dumpdtd DESCRIPTION cats is the standalone version of the CASL tool set. Please report bugs to The default operation for casl is to read in a CASL library in text form and produce a binary aterm file that contains the parsed library. If the switch -dumpdtd is given, casl just dumps the DTD that is used for XML input and output to stdout and exits without doing anything else. OPTIONS You can give options on the command line or in the file ~/.cats, one option per line. Options on the command line can override settings from ~/.cats. All options are case sensitive. For all options that take additional arguments, it is pos­ sible to supply a list of those arguments by seperating them with commas. For example, -input=casl,static. NOTE: do not put additional whitespace in! Options come in pairs of two or more alternatives. Only one of these alternatives can take effect. If more than one is present, the rightmost one on the command line takes precedence. Parser option This selects what parser to use for CASL input. -parser=isabelle or -parser=yacc Selects whether to use the Isabelle-based parser or the YACC-based parser. Default is to use the YACC- based one. Input options These select how input is treated by the tool. -input=casl or -input=aterm or -input=xml Selects whether the input files are in CASL text with extension .casl or in CasFix aterm format with extension .baf or .trm or in XML format with exten­ sion .xml. Default is CASL input. -input=static or -input=nostatic Selects whether the input should be statically checked or not. Default is no static checking. -input=basic or -input=empty Selects whether casl should start processing with an empty environment or with one containing the library of basic datatypes (which is the default). -input=bin or -input=nobin Chooses between binary and textual aterm format if input is from aterm file(s). Binary files use the extension .baf, textual files use .trm. Binary format is the default. NOTE: The tool baf2trm from the aterm library needs to be in your $PATH for binary input to work correctly. Output options These selects what output will be generated by the tool. -output=tex or -output=notex Selects whether to convert the input data to LaTeX or not. Default is not to. If selected, output will be written to a file with the extension .tex. -output=env or -output=noenv Selects whether to include the global environment in the output or not. Use the -env switch to select between different encodings and output formats. If env is given, the environment will also be included in the aterm or XML file(s) that are generated from the input files, in addition to any standalone environment files that may be generated. -output=graph or -output=nograph Selects whether to output the dependency graph for the input file(s) or not. Use the -graph switch to select between the different output formats. The default setting is not to output dependency infor­ mation. -output=bin or -output=nobin Selects between output as binary or as textual aterm files. Output in binary format will use .baf as file extension, while textual format will use .trm. Binary output is the default. NOTE: to use the binary format, the tool trm2baf from the aterm library needs to be in your $PATH. Spec options These select the format(s) in which specifications and lib-items will be output. -spec=aterm or -spec=noaterm Selects whether the specification(s) are output in aterm format. Default is yes. -spec=xml or -spec=noxml Selects whether the specification(s) are output in XML format or not. Default is not to use XML. Environment options These switches take effect only if the env argument was given to the -output switch. -env=CasEnv or -env=noCasEnv Selects whether to output the global environment in CasEnv format. This is the default. The output files will have .env in their name. -env=FCasEnv or -env=noFCasEnv Selects whether to output the global environment in FCasEnv format. Default is not to. The output files will have .fenv in their name. -env=HCasEnv or -env=noHCasEnv Selects whether to output the global environment in HCasEnv format. Default is not to. The output files will have .henv in their name. NOTE: this is not implemented at the moment. casl will fall back to CasEnv output if HCasEnv is selected. -env=SubPCFOL or -env=SubC­ FOL or -env=CFOL or -env=SOL or -env=CFOL1 or -env=SOL1 Selects the encoding to use for the environment. Default is to use SubPCFOL encoding. -env=text or -env=notext Selects or deselects the output of the enviroment in plain text format. notext is the default. Out­ put files will have the extension .txt. -env=aterm or -env=noaterm Switches output of the environment in aterm format on or off. Default is to use aterm output. Whether the aterm files will be in binary or textual format depends on the setting of the -output switch. -env=latex or -env=nolatex Selects whether to output the enviroment in LaTeX format. Default is not to. The extension used by the output files will be .tex. -env=xml or -env=noxml Selects whether to output the enviroment in XML format. Default is not to. The extension used by the output files will be .xml. Graph options These switches take effect only if the graph argument was given to the -output switch. -graph=davinci or -graph=nodavinci Selects whether to output dependency information for use with the daVinci system, available at This is the default format. -graph=dot or -graph=nodot Selects whether to output dependency information for use with the dot tool, available at -graph=ps or -graph=nops If this is selected, and the dot tool is in your $PATH, a PostScript file with extension .ps will be created. This is the same as using the dot setting and manually running the dot tool on the output file. Other options -quiet or -noquiet Selects whether to suppress diagnostic output from the tool. BUGS LaTeX formatting The LaTeX generator has been removed while changing some internal datastructures. Please use the Hets LaTeX formatter. ENVIRONMENT $HOME This must be set to the user's home directory. $CASL_LIB This should be set to the location where CASL libraries are stored. The value of this environ­ ment variable will be prepended to all "from xxx get yyy" statements. For example, if CASL_LIB is set to /home/cofi/lib/ and there is a statement "from Basic/Algebra", then the file /home/cofi/lib/Basic/Algebra.casl will be used. /tmp cats will use this directory to store temporary files. FILES ~/.cats Default options for cats. .casl Extension used for files containing CASL text. .baf Extension used for files in binary aterm format. .trm Extension used for files in textual aterm format. .davinci Dependency information for use with the daVinci system. .dot Dependency information for use with the dot tool. .xml Extension used for files in XML format. .ps PostScript file generated by the dot tool (if available). CONTACT If you have questions, suggestions or bug reports, feel free to send email to 0.88 July 2003 cats(1)