case study for the European Train Control System developed for the authors dissertation
GOPPRR::CGraph Member List

This is the complete list of members for GOPPRR::CGraph, including all inherited members.

CConcept(const ::std::string &OID, const ::std::string &Type)GOPPRR::CConcept
CConcept(const CConcept &Source)GOPPRR::CConcept
CGraph(const ::std::string &OID="", const ::std::string &Type="", const ::std::string &ID="", const std::map< ::std::string,::GOPPRR::CProperty * > &Properties=std::map< ::std::string,::GOPPRR::CProperty * >(), const std::vector< ::GOPPRR::CBinding > &BindingSet=std::vector< ::GOPPRR::CBinding >(), const std::vector< ::GOPPRR::CGraphicalContainer > &Containers=std::vector< ::GOPPRR::CGraphicalContainer >(), const std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CObject * > &ObjectSet=std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CObject * >(), const std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CPort * > &PortSet=std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CPort * >(), const std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CRelationship * > &RelationshipSet=std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CRelationship * >(), const std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CRole * > &RoleSet=std::map< std::string,::GOPPRR::CRole * >())GOPPRR::CGraph
CGraph(const CGraph &Source)GOPPRR::CGraph
CNonProperty(const ::std::string &OID="", const ::std::string &Type="", const ::std::string &ID="", const std::map< ::std::string,::GOPPRR::CProperty * > &Properties=std::map< ::std::string,::GOPPRR::CProperty * >())GOPPRR::CNonProperty
CNonProperty(const CNonProperty &Source)GOPPRR::CNonProperty
Contained(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Container(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Objects(GOPPRR::CPort *const pPort, GOPPRR::CRole *const pRole, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Objects(GOPPRR::CRole *const pRole, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Objects(GOPPRR::CRole *const pRole, const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Objects(const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
operator=(const CGraph &Source)GOPPRR::CGraph
GOPPRR::CNonProperty::operator=(const CNonProperty &Source)GOPPRR::CNonProperty
GOPPRR::CConcept::operator=(const CConcept &Source)GOPPRR::CConcept
Ports(GOPPRR::CRole *const pRole, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Ports(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Ports(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Properties(const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CNonProperty
Relationships(GOPPRR::CRole *const pRole, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Relationships(GOPPRR::CRole *const pRole, const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Roles(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Roles(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Roles(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, GOPPRR::CPort *const pPort, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Roles(GOPPRR::CRelationship *const pRelationship, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Roles(GOPPRR::CObject *const pObject, GOPPRR::CPort *const pPort, const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Roles(GOPPRR::CRelationship *const pRelationship, const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph
Roles(GOPPRR::CRole *const pRole, const ::std::string &Type, const bool &bSubString=false, const bool &bUseException=true) const GOPPRR::CGraph

Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Johannes Feuser (
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The openETCS library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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