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Suche nach Veröffentlichungen - Detailansicht

Art der Veröffentlichung: Artikel in Konferenzband
Autor: A. Mahnke, B. Krieg-Brückner
Herausgeber: Robert Meersman, Zahir Tari, Angelo Corsaro et al.
Titel: Literate Ontology Development
Buch / Sammlungs-Titel: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: OTM 2004 Workshops
Band: 3292
Seite(n): 753 – 757
Serie / Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Erscheinungsjahr: 2004
Verleger: Springer, Berlin
Abstract / Kurzbeschreibung: To achieve sharing and reuse for sustainable development, documents are semantically interrelated by ontologies, specified formally using the specification language CASL. The specification of properties for relations in the system's ontology is used to check invariant properties during change management. Documents are structured for fine-grained management of variants for essentially the "same" concept in various representations. This technology is self-applied to the "literate" development of consistent (interrelated packages of) documented ontologies.
PDF Version: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~amahnke/papers/wose2004.pdf
Schlagworte: ontology development
Status: Reviewed
Letzte Aktualisierung: 26. 03. 2008

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