Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set

Copyright(c) Felix Gabriel Mance
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Safe HaskellNone



Conversion from Manchester Syntax to XML Syntax



showIRI :: IRI -> String

prints the IRI with a colon separating the prefix and the local part

setContent :: [Element] -> Element -> Element

sets the content of an element to a list of given elements

setText :: String -> Element -> Element

sets the content of an element to a given string

setName :: String -> Element -> Element

sets the name of an element to a given string and the namespace to http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#

setIRI :: IRI -> Element -> Element

sets the attribute key to one of IRI, abbreviatedIRI or nodeID and the attribute value to the actual content of the IRI

mwNameIRI :: String -> IRI -> Element

makes an element with the string as name and the IRI as content

mwString :: String -> Element

makes a new element with the given string as name

makeElementWith1 :: String -> Element -> Element

makes a new element with the string as name and an element as content

makeElement :: String -> [Element] -> Element

makes a new element with the string as name and the list of elements as content

mwSimpleIRI :: IRI -> Element

makes a new element with the IRI as the text content

make1 :: Bool -> String -> String -> (String -> IRI -> Element) -> IRI -> [([Element], Element)] -> [Element]

generates a list of elements, all with the first string as name, and each with the content in this order: first, the list of elements in the given pair (usually annotations) and second, the result of the application of the function (given as fourth argument) on the second string and the given IRI

make2 :: Bool -> String -> (a -> Element) -> a -> [([Element], Element)] -> [Element]

setInt :: Int -> Element -> Element

sets the cardinality

correctFacet :: ConstrainingFacet -> ConstrainingFacet

the reverse of properFacet in OWL2.XML

setDt :: Bool -> IRI -> Element -> Element

sets either a literal datatype or a facet

xmlAL :: (a -> Element) -> AnnotatedList a -> [([Element], Element)]

signToDec :: Sign -> [Element]

converts the signature to declarations