Copyright | (c) DFKI GmbH, Uni Bremen 2007-2010 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Contains : Parser for the Manchester Syntax into Abstract Syntax of OWL 2
References :
- characters :: [Character]
- owlKeywords :: [String]
- ncNameStart :: Char -> Bool
- ncNameChar :: Char -> Bool
- prefix :: CharParser st String
- iunreserved :: Char -> Bool
- pctEncoded :: CharParser st String
- subDelims :: Char -> Bool
- iunreservedSubDelims :: String -> CharParser st Char
- iunreservedPctEncodedSubDelims :: String -> CharParser st String
- ipChar :: CharParser st String
- ifragment :: CharParser st String
- iquery :: CharParser st String
- iregName :: CharParser st String
- iuserinfo :: CharParser st String
- atMost :: Int -> GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st [a]
- atMost1 :: Int -> GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st [a]
- decOctet :: CharParser st String
- iPv4Adress :: CharParser st String
- ihost :: CharParser st String
- port :: CharParser st String
- iauthority :: CharParser st String
- isegment :: CharParser st String
- isegmentNz :: CharParser st String
- ipathAbempty :: CharParser st String
- ipathAbsolute :: CharParser st String
- ipathRootless :: CharParser st String
- iauthorityWithPath :: CharParser st String
- optQueryOrFrag :: CharParser st String
- ihierPart :: CharParser st String
- hierPartWithOpts :: CharParser st String
- skips :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
- abbrIriNoPos :: CharParser st QName
- abbrIri :: CharParser st QName
- fullIri :: CharParser st QName
- uriQ :: CharParser st QName
- uriP :: CharParser st QName
- extEntity :: CharParser st ExtEntityType
- symbItem :: GenParser Char st SymbItems
- symbItems :: GenParser Char st SymbItems
- symbs :: GenParser Char st [IRI]
- symbMapItems :: GenParser Char st SymbMapItems
- symbPairs :: GenParser Char st [(IRI, Maybe IRI)]
- uriPair :: GenParser Char st (IRI, Maybe IRI)
- datatypeUri :: CharParser st QName
- optSign :: CharParser st Bool
- postDecimal :: CharParser st NNInt
- getNNInt :: CharParser st NNInt
- intLit :: CharParser st IntLit
- decimalLit :: CharParser st DecLit
- floatDecimal :: CharParser st DecLit
- floatingPointLit :: CharParser st FloatLit
- languageTag :: CharParser st String
- rmQuotes :: String -> String
- stringLiteral :: CharParser st Literal
- literal :: CharParser st Literal
- owlClassUri :: CharParser st QName
- individualUri :: CharParser st QName
- individual :: CharParser st Individual
- skipChar :: Char -> CharParser st ()
- parensP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
- bracesP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
- bracketsP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
- commaP :: CharParser st ()
- sepByComma :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st [a]
- pkeyword :: String -> CharParser st ()
- keywordNotFollowedBy :: String -> CharParser st Char -> CharParser st String
- keyword :: String -> CharParser st String
- atomic :: CharParser st ClassExpression
- objectPropertyExpr :: CharParser st ObjectPropertyExpression
- facetValuePair :: CharParser st (ConstrainingFacet, RestrictionValue)
- dataRangeRestriction :: CharParser st DataRange
- dataConjunct :: CharParser st DataRange
- dataRange :: CharParser st DataRange
- dataPrimary :: CharParser st DataRange
- mkDataJunction :: JunctionType -> [DataRange] -> DataRange
- someOrOnly :: CharParser st QuantifierType
- card :: CharParser st (CardinalityType, Int)
- individualOrConstant :: CharParser st (Either Individual Literal)
- individualOrConstantList :: CharParser st (Either [Individual] [Literal])
- primaryOrDataRange :: CharParser st (Either ClassExpression DataRange)
- mkObjectJunction :: JunctionType -> [ClassExpression] -> ClassExpression
- restrictionAny :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> CharParser st ClassExpression
- restriction :: CharParser st ClassExpression
- restrictionOrAtomic :: CharParser st ClassExpression
- optNot :: (a -> a) -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
- primary :: CharParser st ClassExpression
- conjunction :: CharParser st ClassExpression
- description :: CharParser st ClassExpression
- entityType :: CharParser st EntityType
- annotationValue :: CharParser st AnnotationValue
- equivOrDisjointL :: [EquivOrDisjoint]
- equivOrDisjoint :: CharParser st EquivOrDisjoint
- subPropertyKey :: CharParser st ()
- characterKey :: CharParser st ()
- sameOrDifferent :: CharParser st SameOrDifferent
- sameOrDifferentIndu :: CharParser st SameOrDifferent
- equivOrDisjointKeyword :: String -> CharParser st EquivOrDisjoint
- objectPropertyCharacter :: CharParser st Character
- domainOrRange :: CharParser st DomainOrRange
- nsEntry :: CharParser st (String, QName)
- importEntry :: CharParser st QName
- convertPrefixMap :: PrefixMap -> Map String String
characters :: [Character]
owlKeywords :: [String]
ncNameStart :: Char -> Bool
ncNameChar :: Char -> Bool
rfc3987 plus +
from scheme (scheme does not allow the dots)
prefix :: CharParser st String
iunreserved :: Char -> Bool
pctEncoded :: CharParser st String
iunreservedSubDelims :: String -> CharParser st Char
ipChar :: CharParser st String
ifragment :: CharParser st String
iquery :: CharParser st String
iregName :: CharParser st String
iuserinfo :: CharParser st String
atMost :: Int -> GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st [a]
parse zero or at most n consecutive arguments
decOctet :: CharParser st String
iPv4Adress :: CharParser st String
ihost :: CharParser st String
port :: CharParser st String
iauthority :: CharParser st String
isegment :: CharParser st String
isegmentNz :: CharParser st String
ipathAbempty :: CharParser st String
ipathAbsolute :: CharParser st String
ipathRootless :: CharParser st String
optQueryOrFrag :: CharParser st String
ihierPart :: CharParser st String
covers irelative-part (therefore we omit curie)
hierPartWithOpts :: CharParser st String
skips :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
abbrIriNoPos :: CharParser st QName
abbrIri :: CharParser st QName
fullIri :: CharParser st QName
uriQ :: CharParser st QName
uriP :: CharParser st QName
extEntity :: CharParser st ExtEntityType
symbMapItems :: GenParser Char st SymbMapItems
parse a possibly kinded list of comma separated symbol pairs
datatypeUri :: CharParser st QName
optSign :: CharParser st Bool
postDecimal :: CharParser st NNInt
getNNInt :: CharParser st NNInt
intLit :: CharParser st IntLit
decimalLit :: CharParser st DecLit
floatDecimal :: CharParser st DecLit
languageTag :: CharParser st String
stringLiteral :: CharParser st Literal
literal :: CharParser st Literal
owlClassUri :: CharParser st QName
individualUri :: CharParser st QName
individual :: CharParser st Individual
skipChar :: Char -> CharParser st ()
parensP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
bracesP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
bracketsP :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
commaP :: CharParser st ()
sepByComma :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st [a]
pkeyword :: String -> CharParser st ()
plain string parser with skip
keywordNotFollowedBy :: String -> CharParser st Char -> CharParser st String
keyword :: String -> CharParser st String
keyword not followed by any alphanum
atomic :: CharParser st ClassExpression
dataConjunct :: CharParser st DataRange
dataRange :: CharParser st DataRange
dataPrimary :: CharParser st DataRange
mkDataJunction :: JunctionType -> [DataRange] -> DataRange
card :: CharParser st (CardinalityType, Int)
individualOrConstantList :: CharParser st (Either [Individual] [Literal])
applies the previous one to a list separated by commas (the list needs to be all of the same type, of course)
optNot :: (a -> a) -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
primary :: CharParser st ClassExpression
entityType :: CharParser st EntityType
annotationValue :: CharParser st AnnotationValue
same as annotation Target in Manchester Syntax, named annotation Value in Abstract Syntax
subPropertyKey :: CharParser st ()
characterKey :: CharParser st ()
nsEntry :: CharParser st (String, QName)
importEntry :: CharParser st QName
convertPrefixMap :: PrefixMap -> Map String String