Copyright | (c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2008 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | non-portable (imports Logic.Logic) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Constants and related fucntions for CspCASLProver.
- alphabetS :: String
- alphabetType :: Typ
- binEq_PreAlphabet :: Term -> Term -> Term
- classOp :: Term -> Term
- classS :: String
- convertChannelString :: CHANNEL_NAME -> String
- convertFQProcessName2String :: FQ_PROCESS_NAME -> String
- convertSort2String :: SORT -> String
- cspFThyS :: String
- eq_PreAlphabetS :: String
- eq_PreAlphabetV :: VName
- equivTypeClassS :: String
- eventS :: String
- eventType :: Typ
- flatS :: String
- flatOp :: Term -> Term
- preAlphabetQuotType :: Typ
- preAlphabetS :: String
- preAlphabetSimS :: String
- preAlphabetType :: Typ
- projFlatS :: String
- projFlatOp :: Term -> Term
- lemmasCCProverDecompositionThmsS :: String
- lemmasCCProverInjectivityThmsS :: String
- lemmasEmbInjAxS :: String
- lemmasIdentityAxS :: String
- lemmasNotDefBotAxS :: String
- lemmasTotalityAxS :: String
- lemmasTransAxS :: String
- mkChooseFunName :: SORT -> String
- mkChooseFunOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
- mkCompareWithFunName :: SORT -> String
- mkPreAlphabetConstructor :: SORT -> String
- mkPreAlphabetConstructorOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
- mkProcNameConstructor :: FQ_PROCESS_NAME -> String
- mkSortBarAbsString :: SORT -> String
- mkSortBarAbsOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
- mkSortBarRepOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
- mkSortBarString :: SORT -> String
- mkSortBarType :: SORT -> Typ
- mkSortFlatString :: SORT -> String
- mkThyNameAlphabet :: String -> String
- mkThyNameDataEnc :: String -> String
- mkThyNameIntThms :: String -> String
- mkThyNamePreAlphabet :: String -> String
- procMapS :: String
- procMapType :: Typ
- procNameType :: Typ
- quotEqualityS :: String
- quotientThyS :: String
- reflexivityTheoremS :: String
- symmetryTheoremS :: String
- transitivityS :: String
alphabetType :: Typ
Type for the CspCASLProver's Alphabet
binEq_PreAlphabet :: Term -> Term -> Term
Isabelle fucntion to compare eqaulity of two elements of the PreAlphabet.
convertChannelString :: CHANNEL_NAME -> String
Function that takes a channel name produces the CspCASLProver's constructor for that channel.
convertFQProcessName2String :: FQ_PROCESS_NAME -> String
Convert a process name to a string
convertSort2String :: SORT -> String
Convert a SORT to a string
String of the name of the function to compare eqaulity of two elements of the PreAlphabet.
VName of the name of the function to compare eqaulity of two elements of the PreAlphabet.
String for the name of the axiomatic type class of equivalence relations part 2
String of the name of constructor for a plain event without a channel, effectivly this is the channel whos name is Flat. Also used for the names of the flat types.
Type for CspCASLProver's preAlphabet quot
Name for CspCASLProver's PreAlphabet
Type for CspCASLProver's PreAlphabet
Name of CspCASLProver's function for projecting a Flat Event back to the type Alphabet
projFlatOp :: Term -> Term
Apply the CspCASLProvers projFlat function to an isabelle term
lemmasCCProverDecompositionThmsS :: String
Name for the lemma which is the collection of our decomposition axioms that we produce.
lemmasCCProverInjectivityThmsS :: String
Name for the lemma which is the collection of our injectivity axioms that we produce.
Name for the lemma which is the collection of embedding injectivity axioms.
Name for the lemma which is the collection of identity axioms.
Name for the lemma which is the collection of not defined bottom axioms.
Name for the lemma which is the collection of totality axioms.
Name for the lemma which is the collection of transitivity axioms.
mkChooseFunName :: SORT -> String
Function that takes a sort and outputs the function name for the corresponing choose function
mkChooseFunOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
Function that takes a sort and outputs the Isabelle function for the corresponing choose function
mkCompareWithFunName :: SORT -> String
Function that takes a sort and outputs the function name for the corresponing compare_with function
mkPreAlphabetConstructor :: SORT -> String
Function that returns the constructor of PreAlphabet for a given sort
mkPreAlphabetConstructorOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
Function that returns the (Isabelle function for the) constructor of PreAlphabet for a given sort
mkProcNameConstructor :: FQ_PROCESS_NAME -> String
Given a process name this fucntion returns a unique constructor for that process name. This is a helper functin when buildign the process name data type.
mkSortBarAbsString :: SORT -> String
Given a sort this function produces the function name (string) of the built in Isabelle fucntion that corresponds to the abstraction function of the type that sort_bar.
mkSortBarAbsOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
Given a sort this function produces the a function on the abstract syntax of Isabelle that represents the built in Isabelle fucntion that corresponds to the abstraction function of the type sort_bar.
mkSortBarRepOp :: SORT -> Term -> Term
Given a sort this function produces the a function on the abstract syntax of Isabelle that represents the built in Isabelle fucntion that corresponds to the representation function of the type sort_bar.
mkSortBarString :: SORT -> String
Converts a sort in to the corresponding bar sort represented as a string
mkSortBarType :: SORT -> Typ
Converts a sort in to the corresponding bar sort type
mkSortFlatString :: SORT -> String
Converts asort in to the corresponding flat type for that sort represented as a string. This is used in the construction of the channels and is linked with the type event.
mkThyNameAlphabet :: String -> String
Created a name for the theory file which stores the alphabet construction for CspCASLProver.
mkThyNameDataEnc :: String -> String
Created a name for the theory file which stores the data encoding for CspCASLProver.
mkThyNameIntThms :: String -> String
Created a name for the theory file which stores the Integration Theorems for CspCASLProver.
mkThyNamePreAlphabet :: String -> String
Created a name for the theory file which stores the Alphabet construction and instances code for CspCASLProver.
procMapType :: Typ
Type for CspCASLProver's function for mapping process names to actual processes
procNameType :: Typ
Type for CspCASLProver's datatype of process names