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Group BKB > COMPASS > | ||||||
Publications |
General Publications[Kri 89b] Krieg-Brückner, B. (ed.): COMPASS, a COMPrehensive Algebraic approach to System Specification and development (ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group 3264), Objectives, State of the Art, References. Universität Bremen, Bericht Nr. 6/89 (1989) 82pp. [Kri 90b] Krieg-Brückner, B.: COMPASS, a COMPrehensive Algebraic approach for System Specification and development, ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group 3264. EATCS Bulletin 40 (1990) 144-157. [KP 91] Krieg-Brückner, B., Plump, D. (eds.): COMPASS, a COMPrehensive Algebraic approach to System Specification and development (ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group 3264). Final Report. Universität Bremen, Informatik Bericht Nr. 7/91 (1991) 104pp. [B+ 91] Bidoit, M., Kreowski, H.-J., Lescanne, P., Orejas, F., Sannella, D. (eds.): Algebraic System Specification and Development - A Survey and Annotated Bibliography. LNCS 501 (1991) 98pp. [Kri 92] Krieg-Brückner, B.: ESPRIT vereint Europa. impulse aus der Forschung 13, Universität Bremen (1992), 9-12. [AKK 95] Astesiano, E., Kreowski, H.-J., Krieg-Brückner, B.(eds.): Algebraic Foundations of System Specification. (in preparation). [C+ 96] Cerioli, M., Gogolla, M., Kirchner, H., Krieg-Brückner, B., Qian, Z., Wolf, M. (eds.): Algebraic System Specification and Development - A Survey and Annotated Bibliography. (update, in preparation). [ADT 91] Ehrig, H., Jantke, K.P., Orejas, F., Reichel, H. (eds.): Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. Proc. 7th ADT/COMPASS Workshop (Wusterhausen 1990). Springer LNCS 534 (1991). [ADT 93] Bidoit, M., Choppy, C. (eds.): Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. Proc. 8th ADT/COMPASS Workshop (Dourdan 1991). Springer LNCS 655 (1993). [ADT 94] Ehrig, H., Orejas, F. (eds.): Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. Proc. 9th ADT/COMPASS Workshop (Caldes de Malavella 1992). Springer LNCS 785 (1994). [ADT 95] Astesiano, E., Reggio, G., Tarlecki, A. (eds.): Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. Proc. 10th ADT/COMPASS Workshop (Sta. Margherita 1994). Springer LNCS 906 (1995). [ADT 96] Dahl, O.-J., Haveraaen, M., Owe, O. (eds.): Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. Proc. 11th ADT/COMPASS Workshop (Oslo 1995). Springer LNCS (to appear). Dissertations at Universität BremenStefan Kahrs (1991): Qian, Zhenyu (1991): Richard Seifert (1993): Liu, Junbo (1994): Other COMPASS Publications from Universität Bremen[BK 95] Basin, D., Krieg-Brückner, B.: Formalization of the development process. Chapter 13 in: Astesiano, E., Kreowski, H.-J., Krieg-Brückner, B.(eds.): Algebraic Foundations of System Specification. (in preparation). [EGS 92] H.-D. Ehrich, M. Gogolla, and A. Sernadas. Objects and their Specification. In M. Bidoit and C. Choppy, editors, Proc. 8th Workshop on Abstract Data Types (ADT'91), pages 40-65. Springer, Berlin, LNCS 655, 1992. [GH 95] M. Gogolla and R. Herzig. An Algebraic Semantics for the Object Specification Language TROLL light. In Andrzej Tarlecki Egidio Astesiano, Gianna Reggio, editor, Proc. 10th Workshop on Abstract Data Types, pages 288-304. Springer, Berlin, LNCS 906, 1995. [Gog 89] M. Gogolla. Algebraization and Integrity Constraints for an Extended Entity-Relationship Approach. In J. Diaz and F. Orejas, editors, Proc. Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT'89), pages 259-274. Springer, Berlin, LNCS 351, 1989. [Gog 94] M. Gogolla. An Extended Entity Relationship Model. Fundamentals and Pragmatics. Springer, Berlin, LNCS 767, 1994. [HMS 91] H. Herrlich, T. Mossakowski, G. E. Strecker. Algebra union topology. In H. Herrlich, H.-E. Porst, Hrsg., Category Theory at Work, 137-148. Heldermann Verlag Berlin, 1991. [Hof 92] Hoffmann, B.: Term Rewriting with Sharing and Memoization. in: Kirchner, H., Levi, G. (eds.): Proc. 3rd Int'l Conf. on Algebraic and Logic Programming (ALP'92), LNCS 632 (1992) 128-142. [KM 95] H.-J. Kreowski, T. Mossakowski. Equivalence and difference of institutions: Simulating horn clause logic with based algebras. Erscheint in Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5. [Kre 87] H.-J. Kreowski. Partial algebras flow from algebraic specifications. In T. Ottmann, editor., Proc. ICALP 87, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 267, 521-530. Springer Verlag, 1987. [Kre 89] H.-J. Kreowski. Colimits as parameterized data types. In H. Ehrig et. al, editor., Workshop on Categorical Methods in Computer Science - with Aspects from Topology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 393, 36-49. Springer Verlag, 1989. [Kre 93] H.-J. Kreowski. Some initial sections of the algebraic-specification tale. In G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, Hrsg., Current trends in theoretical computer science, 54-75. World Scientific, Singapore, 1993. [KS 91] Krieg-Brückner, B., Sannella, D.: Structuring Specifications in-the-Large and in-the-Small: Higher-Order Functions, Dependent Types and Inheritance in SPECTRAL. Proc. TAPSOFT '91, LNCS 494 (1991) 313-336. [LEG 85] U. W. Lipeck, H.-D. Ehrich, and M. Gogolla. Specifying Admissability of Dynamic Database Behaviour Using Temporal Logic. In A. Sernadas et al., editors, Proc. IFIP Working Conf. on Theoretical and Formal Aspects of Information Systems, pages 145-157. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985. [Liu 93] Liu, J.: A Semantic Basis for Logic-Independent Transformations. In F. Orejas (eds.): Proc. 9th WADT-COMPASS Workshop, LNCS 785 (1994) 268-279. auch in [Kri 94a]. [Liu 94a] Liu, J.: Higher-Order Structured Presentations in a Logical Framework. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 1994. [Liu 94b] Liu, J.: Logic-Independent Extensions of Structured Theory Presentations. in [Kri 94b]. [Mos 92] T. Mossakowski. Spezifizierbarkeit und Berechenbarkeit parametrischer partieller Datentypen. Diplomarbeit, Universität Bremen, 1992. [Mos 93] T. Mossakowski. Parameterized recursion theory - a tool for the systematic classification of specification methods. In M. Nivat, C. Rattray, T. Rus, G. Scollo, Hrsg., Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 1993, Workshops in Computing, 139-146. Springer-Verlag, London, 1993. Eingereicht bei Theoretical Computer Science. [Mos 95a] T. Mossakowski. A hierarchy of institutions separated by properties of parameterized abstract data types. In Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 906, 389-405. Springer Verlag, London, 1995. [Mos 95b] T. Mossakowski. Using colimits of parchments to systematically construct institutions of partial algebras. Vortrag auf dem 11th workshop on abstract data types, Oslo 1995. (submitted for publication in LNCS). [Mos 95c] T. Mossakowski. Equivalences Among Various Liberal Logical Frameworks of Partial Algebras. Informatik Bericht 4/95, Universität Bremen, 1995. (submitted to Computer Science Logic) [NQ 92] Nipkow, T., Qian, Z.: Reduction and Unification in Lambda Calculi with Subtypes, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Automated Deduction, 1992, LNCS 607, 66-78. also: J. Automated Reasoning, to appear. [Plu 92] Detlef Plump : Evaluation of Functional Expressions by Hypergraph Rerwiting. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 1992. [Qian 91] Qian, Z.: Extensions of Order-Sorted Algebraic Specifications: Parameterization, Higher-Order Functions and Polymorphism. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 1991. [Qian 93] Qian, Z.: Linear Unification of Higher-Order Patterns, Proc. TAPSOFT'93,391-405, 1993, LNCS 668. also in: J. Logic and Computation, to appear. [Qian 94] Qian, Z.: Higher-Order Equational Logic Programming, Proc. 21st ACM Symp. Principles of Programming Languages, ACM Press, 1994. [QW 92] Qian, Z., Wang, K: Higher-Order E-Unification for Arbitrary Theories, Proc. Joint Int'l Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming, 1992, MIT Press, 52-66. [QW 94] Qian, Z., Wang, K: Modular AC Unification of Higher-Order Patterns, Proc. Int. Conf. on Constraints in Computational Logics, LNCS 845, 1994. [Shi 94] Shi, H.: Extended Matching and Application to Program Transformation. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 1994. [Wang 94] Wang, K.: Higher-Order Constraint Logic Programming. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 1994. [QK 96a] Zhenyu Qian and Bernd Krieg-Brückner. Object-oriented functional programming and type reconstruction. In: Dahl, O.-J., Haveraaen, M., Owe, O. (eds.): Recent Trends in Data Type Specification. Proc. 11th ADT/COMPASS Workshop (Oslo 1995). Springer LNCS (to appear). [QK 96b] Zhenyu Qian and Bernd Krieg-Brückner. An approach to object-oriented functional programming. In H. Lin and C.-S. Tang (eds.): Proc. 1995 Int. Workshop on Logic and Software Engineering, World Scientific Publ., 1996. To appear. [QK 96c] Zhenyu Qian and Bernd Krieg-Brückner. Typed Object-Oriented Programming with Late Binding. In 10th Proc. European Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, Springer-Verlag LNCS, 1996. To appear. [QK 96d] Zhenyu Qian and Bernd Krieg-Brückner. TOFL: A typed object-oriented functional programming language with late binding. Submitted to Science of Computer Programming. |
Author: n/a |
Group BKB |