Universitaet Bremen
FB3->Group BKB

->Main->Graph Editor->Edit/Node Menu->Node Attributes
Service & Support

Node Attributes

Node Attributes Window

Node Attributes

This graph editor dialog window is used to set the attributes of nodes in the graph. It is even possible to set the attributes of several nodes in one step if more than one node is currently selected. The dialog items in this window reflect the currently supported node attributes in uDraw(Graph) (refer to the term representation for details about node attributes). You can open this dialog with menu Edit/Node/Attributes..., with the node pop-up menu, with the graph editor icons or with a simple double-click on a node when the graph editor is connected to the uDraw(Graph) API.

Dialog Elements of the Node Attributes Window

  • Node-Text
    This field specifies the text which is displayed inside a node in the graph visualization. It is possible to use multi-line text by typing RETURN.
  • Font
    Here you can choose the font family and style used to draw the text of a node.
  • Tooltip-Text
    This field specifies the text of a node's tooltip. With activated tooltips in uDraw(Graph), this text will automatically appear in a small pop-up window (after a delay) as long as the mouse pointer is over the node. Tooltips can be controlled in menu Options/General Settings.
  • Shape
    Here you can specify the shape of a node (called graphical object). Object "Image" requires to specify the file name of the image in a text field. You can use files in GIF, XPM, XBM or BMP format. The file has to be in one of the directories defined by environment variable $UDG_ICONDIR or in the "icons" directory of the uDraw(Graph) distribution.
  • Border
    This is used to specify whether or not the node should have no border, a normal border or a double-line border. The Objects (Shapes) "Text" and "Invisible" do not support borders.
  • Color
    Click on the colored field to get a palette of colors. Here you can specify the color of a node by choosing it from the palette. To modify the palette, use the "Edit Color..." button in the palette to open the color editor.
  • Apply
    Push button to accept the current settings of this dialog window. The window remains open afterwards. Without pressing this button, modifications to these options are not considered.
  • Close
    Push button to close the node attributes dialog window without performing any action.
  • Reset
    Push button to undo any modification to these options which were not confirmed using the "Apply" push button yet. So reset goes back to the current settings.
  • Help
    Push button to start the online help system with this page.